+86 13256126257
Shandong Jinbaifeng Steel Co., Ltd
National Stainless Steel Expo Settled in Linyi, China

    On May 15th, the attention of the national stainless steel and hardware industry turned to Linyi. The 2023 China Stainless Steel Products and Equipment Expo and the 12th Linyi Hardware Expo jointly appeared and opened at the Linyi International Convention and Exhibition Center.

    This year's Stainless Steel Expo is hosted by the China Hardware Products Association and the Shandong Stainless Steel Industry Association. It is the first time a nationwide stainless steel exhibition has landed in Linyi. Representatives of 1416 outstanding exhibitors from across the country gathered in our city, attracting 16000 professional visitors on the first day of the opening.

    In recent years, our city has vigorously implemented the "Eight Major Strategies", solidly promoted the industrial economy's "two trillion yuan increase in quantity and quality", seized major policy opportunities for the construction of high-end stainless steel and advanced special steel manufacturing industry clusters, and made every effort to build a 500 billion level industrial cluster. Three major nickel iron alloy industry clusters have been formed in Luozhuang District, Junan County, and Lingang District, as well as the stainless steel product industry cluster in Mengyin County. At the same time, we vigorously implement "exhibition+", fully combining our city's exhibition resources with industrial advantages, continuously deepening the integration of exhibition and physical industries, and forming a good development ecology of "gathering business through exhibitions, promoting industry through exhibitions, and revitalizing the city through exhibitions". This dual exhibition linkage has made its debut in Linyi, adopting the "on site+off site" and "online+offline" models to promote high-quality development of the industry.

    Jun Xinyang, a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Vice Mayor, attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech.

+86 13256126257